
Laatste nieuws over windenergietechnologie

Eocycle closes financing of $1.6M

On the heels of the highly successful launch of its second generation wind turbines, Eocycle is pleased to announce the closing of $1.6 million of new financing. The completion of this offering takes the combined form of a loan from Investissement Québec (the financial arm of the Government of Québec) and a grant from the Ministry of Economy, Science and Innovation in Québec.

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Power curve certification completed; Eocycle small wind turbine is the most efficient in the world

Eocycle has achieved an important milestone in the launch of its next generation turbines. The EO25 wind turbine has obtained a certified power curve in accordance with the IEC 61400-12-1:2005 standard. The results are impressive. The new wind turbine provides a 65% increase in energy production over the similar model from the previous generation. No other small wind turbine in the market can match its efficiency. At 6 m/s, the turbine has a certified capacity factor of 44%, resulting in an annual production of more than 87,000 kWh.

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Onze S-Serie is ideaal voor kleine boerderijen en bedrijven.


Onze M-serie is ideaal voor commerciële en industriële toepassingen en voor grote landbouwbedrijven


Our S-Series is ideal for small farms and enterprises.


Our M-Series is ideal for commercial and industrial applications as well as large agricultural operations.